Class Manager has no purchase price and no installation or start-up costs !

plus_16 No cost for training during the initial start up period.

plus_16 No cost for software updates. We are continually improving the system.

plus_16 No cost for support of technical issues and operational advice.

plus_16 No cost for mirrored backup of your database to our synchronised, independent backup server.

 No cost for your new mobile friendly, secure web site provided by (conditions apply *7)


plus_16 No cost for hosting or domain management of your web site from (conditions apply*1)

 plus_16 No cost for upload of your previous data history from your Excel spreadsheets

plus_16 No cost for 3 month trial using your live data.

plus_16 DISCOUNTS for high volume usage (conditions apply*4 *5)


Unlike many other package service providers, we are up-front with our prices. Our fees are based on volume of usage, with a minimum monthly floor. So, if you are a small organisation, you can still get the benefits of a fully implemented system for little cost. If you are a large organisation, you may be eligible for volume discounts.

Although we reserve the right to adjust our fees in line with the Australian CPI, in reality we have not changed our fees for the last 10 years, over which time the CPI has increased by 29%.

Student Enrolment Fee
per student, per class per session


Membership Management Fee
per member per month


Room Booking Fee
per room per hour


Appointment Booking Fee
per booked appointment

Fast Secure Credit Card Handling *2
per month
  • A minimum monthly fee of $70 applies only where
    usage fees are less than $70/month.
  • An additional GST of 10% applies all fees.


*1Your Organic Webs hosting plan will be reduced by $50, for every $100 that your quarterly usage bill exceeds $300. This option only applies where the volume discount*4 has not been chosen.

*2 We can provide you with an electronic transaction gateway facility interfaced to Class Manager that will transfer money from your customer's credit or debit cards directly into your own merchant bank account. The gateway also enables your on-line users to provide credit card details through a secure Internet window when enrolling themselves, or when they are renewing their membership from a Class Manager provided window on your web site.

*3 Does not include your merchant service bank fees.

*4Where a class enrolment exceeds 30 students, then the student fee is reduced from $0.55 to $0.20 for the additional students in that class.

*5 Membership Management is FREE when the student enrolment fee exceeds $200 per month.

*6 Does NOT apply to rooms that are booked for course enrolments.

 *7 Conditional on a 24 month Class Manager usage agreement and where usage fee exceeds $200/per month.


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