member portraitClass Manager can help you to effectively manage your members, their payment status and their period of membership. A full 12 months of membership is initiated from the starting date of each contract period, thus ensuring that everyone gets a full period of membership for their payment. Alternatively, a term based payment is optional.

Each new membership is assigned a unique member number and may have an image portrait assigned to it.

Use Class Manager's membership expiry report to generate mail lists of members whose current membership periods are about to expire. Members may then renew their own memberships from a button on your home page and pay their membership fee via credit or debit card directly into your bank account using our secure merchant banking gateway.

Both new and renewed memberships may be processed concurrently with a course enrolment, where a student's membership status is automatically displayed as they are selected for enrolment.

Members may be offered financial discounts on course fees and course entry may be restricted to members only.

Types of Membership.

Class Manager can manage both financial and non-financial memberships for:

  • Life memberships.
  • Annual memberships
  • Term memberships.
  • Individual memberships.
  • Postcode memberships. (discounted for a residential postcode)
  • Concessional memberships.
  • Committee memberships.
  • Group memberships.
  • Family memberships.
  • Children memberships.

 Renewal Reminders.

Class Manager offers a choice of two methods for the despatch of annual membership renewal notifications.

  • Fully automatic. On the 15th of every month, emails are despatched to those whose annual memberships will expiry sometime during the following month.
  • Semi automatic. A membership expiry report can be generated for annual memberships that will expire within a nominated period of time. The email message content may be edited and the automatic despatch initiated.

In both cases, a table of members who do not have an email address is produced and may be exported with their address information into a relevant postal address mail-out system.

Membership fees.

Fees may be renewed from your web page by online members and paid via credit or debit card, or may be renewed by office staff with payment types of "Cash", "Cheque", "EFT", "Card", "Deferred". Deferred payments are processed after the creation or renewal of a membership and are managed by Class Manager's deferred payment sub-system. Financial reports may be generated and categorized into the payment types for reconciliation with bank accounts.

Membership Reports.

Reports may be generated for:

  • Paid and/or non-paid members within a nominated date range.
  • Current paid and/or non-paid members.
  • Current Family and Group members.
  • First time members.
  • Membership expiry report with email and postal address mail out list.

All reports may be exported from Class Manager and imported directly into an Excel spreadsheet on a local PC for further off-line processing.

Powerful Search and Locate Tool.

Class Manager provides users with a search and locate membership management tool. For example:


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