Class Manager - Receipt Book

The Class Manager receipt book can be used to search for receipts previously issued through the Class Manager system.
It can also be used to issue manual receipts for the sale of goods or services other than class enrolments or membership payments during which, automatic generation of receipts occurs.


Generate a New Receipt.
Check if the person who is purchasing your goods or service is already in Class Manager by looking on the "Existing Person" drop down menu. If they are not listed, then type their surname into the "Other person surname" box.  Or,select from an existing group name, or enter a new organisation name.

If  income collected from the attendees of a course session is being entered, then select the course from the "Attendance" drop down menu.

If income collected from a room booking is being entered, then click the "Room Booking Payment" check-box and enter the "from" and "to" dates in the fields that will appear once the check-box is clicked.

If an item of expenditure is being entered, select the expenditure type from the drop down menu. Expenditure type menu items can be created or changed by the system administrator in the the "system options' window - look for "expenditure_types".

Fill in the remaining fields and click the "Save this receipt" button. A copy of the receipt will be generated for optional printing and the receipt will be saved in Class Manager's database.

When selecting people from the “Name” menu, additional information is displayed about the person’s credit account. If money exists in a person’s credit account, then the following credit information appears:

You can choose to use this person’s credit to pay for the item, or for a part of the item by checking the “Use this credit” box. You must also enter the full cost of the item in the “Amount” box and Class Manager will calculate the balance of payment.
This feature may also be used to refund a person’s credit (or part thereof) by checking the box, entering the amount to be refunded and choosing “refund” from the “Transaction Type” options.

Receipts are created automatically when money is paid during a class enrolment or when a membership payment is being made. Manual receipts only need to be generated for the sale of other types of goods, the refunding of money, or if you are manually entering attendance fees collected at the door of classes as they run.

Finding Receipts.
You can list the last 20 receipts by clicking the "List the last"  20 receipts button. You can choose a range of numbers up to 200 in the drop down menu and you can exclude from the listing various payment types. Alternatively, you can search the following fields for a specified value:

·         Surname - all or part of a surname.

·         Receipt number or a range of receipt numbers (e.g. 250 to 300).

·         Date of issue, or range of dates (e.g. 2-Apr-2009 to 12-Apr-2009).

·         Item name or part thereof.

·         Merchant reference number for online Class Manager credit card transactions.


Description: Description: C:\cygwin\home\John\htdocs\cfirst\instructs\Images\receipts_listing.gif


Note that the receipts table can be exported to a local PC for further analysis using Excel or other spreadsheet program.


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