Class Manager - Exporting Tables

Many Class Manager tables may be exported from the database to the desktop computer for further offline processing. Class Manager tables that may be exported have an "export" button at the bottom.

The format of exported files may be either in XML format of CSV format. The system administrator will set the exported file type to either xml or csv in the system options window.

Please note
Internet Explorer
will abort your
Class Manager login session when saving exported tables
unless you include the
Class Manager web server in Internet Explorer's trusted hosts list.
Firefox users will not have this problem

 To include Class Manager as a trusted server for Internet Explorer, follow the following instructions.

Select  the "Internet Options" from the "Tools" menus and click on the "Security" tab.

When the the "Sites" button is clicked, add the following two trusted sites:


You should then select the custom level security and set the download options:

and set the
download options


Then "OK"  the Security Options box.


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