$20 (includes GST)
Date: Saturday 5-Apr-2025
Single session (Open)
Time 8:15am for 4 hr
Venue: SPLC Room 2
Facilitator: Ivy Branson, Lin Ang
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Mahjong enthusiasts throughout WA are invited to this Festival which will be in the same format as the Australasian Mahjong Festival held every year in the Eastern states since 1994. Since there is such a huge variety of different styles (Western, Chinese, etc) played throughout Australia, the organisers have distilled the competition down to a manageable list of 16 games. This list will be shared with participants so that if desired, she/he may practise prior to the Festival. The winner of the Perth Festival will receive a cash prize and the winner will receive bragging rights as the WA Mahjong Champion. Morning/afternoon tea & biscuits will be provided, BYO lunch & coffee mug. Note: It's not about winning!!! The focus is on having fun and making new friends. www.mahjongwa.org.au